123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352 |
- /*
- expansive.es - Configuration for exp-js
- Transform by minifying.
- */
- Expansive.load({
- services: {
- name: 'js',
- compress: true,
- dotmin: true,
- extract: false,
- files: [ 'lib/**.js*', '!lib**.map' ],
- minify: false,
- options: '--mangle --compress dead_code=true,conditionals=true,booleans=true,unused=true,if_return=true,join_vars=true,drop_console=true'
- usemap: true,
- usemin: true,
- transforms: [{
- mappings: {
- 'js',
- 'min.js',
- 'min.map',
- 'min.js.map'
- },
- init: function(transform) {
- let service = transform.service
- if (service.usemap) {
- service.usemin ||= true
- }
- if (service.files) {
- if (!(service.files is Array)) {
- service.files = [ service.files ]
- }
- expansive.control.collections.scripts =
- (expansive.control.collections.scripts + service.files).unique()
- }
- if (!service.extract) {
- expansive.transforms['js-extract'].enable = false
- }
- },
- resolve: function(path: Path, transform): Path? {
- let service = transform.service
- let vfile = directories.contents.join(path)
- if (vfile.endsWith('.min.js')) {
- let base = vfile.trimEnd('.min.js')
- if (service.usemin && !(service.minify && base.joinExt('js', true).exists)) {
- if (service.usemap) {
- if (base.joinExt('min.map', true).exists || base.joinExt('min.js.map', true).exists) {
- return terminal(path)
- }
- } else {
- return terminal(path)
- }
- }
- } else if (vfile.endsWith('.min.map') || vfile.endsWith('.min.js.map')) {
- if (service.usemin) {
- let base = vfile.trimEnd('.min.map').trimEnd('.min.js.map')
- if (service.usemap && !(service.minify && base.joinExt('js', true).exists)) {
- if (base.joinExt('min.js', true).exists) {
- return terminal(path)
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- let minified = vfile.replaceExt('min.js')
- /*
- Minify if required, or a suitable minfied version does not exist or !usemin
- */
- if (service.minify || !(minified.exists && service.usemin && (!service.usemap ||
- (vfile.replaceExt('min.map').exists || vfile.replaceExt('min.js.map').exists)))) {
- if (service.minify && service.dotmin) {
- return terminal(path.trimExt().joinExt('min.js', true))
- }
- return terminal(path)
- }
- }
- return null
- },
- }, {
- name: 'minify',
- mappings: 'js',
- init: function(transform) {
- let service = transform.service
- let cmd = Cmd.locate('uglifyjs')
- if (!cmd) {
- trace('Warn', 'Cannot find uglifyjs')
- transform.enable = false
- } else if (!service.minify) {
- transform.enable = false
- } else {
- if (service.options) {
- cmd += ' ' + service.options
- }
- transform.cmd = cmd
- }
- },
- render: function (contents, meta, transform) {
- trace('Minify', meta.source)
- let cmd = transform.cmd
- if (transform.service.usemap) {
- let mapFile = meta.dest.replaceExt('map')
- mapFile.dirname.makeDir()
- cmd += ' --source-map ' + mapFile
- contents = runFile(cmd, contents, meta)
- let map = mapFile.readJSON()
- map.sources = [ meta.dest ]
- mapFile.write(serialize(map))
- } else {
- contents = run(cmd, contents)
- }
- return contents
- },
- }, {
- name: 'render',
- /*
- Default to only scripts from packages under contents/lib
- Required scripts may vary on a page by page basis.
- */
- mappings: {
- 'js',
- 'min.js'
- },
- init: function(transform) {
- let service = transform.service
- service.hash = {}
- /*
- Render Scripts is based on 'collections.scripts' which defaults to 'lib/**.js' and is modified
- via expansive.json and addItems.
- */
- global.renderScripts = function(filter = null, extras = []) {
- let collections = expansive.collections
- if (!collections.scripts) {
- return
- }
- function buildScriptList(files: Array): Array {
- let directories = expansive.directories
- let service = expansive.services.js
- let scripts = []
- for each (script in files) {
- let before = script
- if ((script = expansive.getDestPath(script)) == null) {
- continue
- }
- let vfile = directories.contents.join(script)
- let base = vfile.trimEnd('.min.js').trimEnd('.js')
- let map = base.joinExt('min.map', true).exists || base.joinExt('js.map', true).exists ||
- base.joinExt('.min.js.map', true).exists
- if (vfile.endsWith('min.js')) {
- if ((service.minify || service.usemin) && (!service.usemap || map)) {
- scripts.push(script)
- }
- } else {
- let minified = vfile.replaceExt('min.js').exists
- let map = vfile.replaceExt('min.map').exists || vfile.replaceExt('js.map').exists ||
- vfile.replaceExt('.min.js.map').exists
- if (service.minify || !minified || !(service.usemap && map)) {
- if (service.minify && service.dotmin) {
- scripts.push(script.replaceExt('min.js'))
- } else {
- scripts.push(script)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return scripts
- }
- /*
- Pages have different scripts and so must compute script list per page.
- This is hased and saved.
- */
- let directories = expansive.directories
- let service = expansive.services.js
- if (!service.hash[collections.scripts]) {
- let files = directories.contents.files(collections.scripts,
- { contents: true, directories: false, relative: true})
- files = expansive.orderFiles(files, "js")
- service.hash[collections.scripts] = buildScriptList(files).unique()
- }
- for each (script in service.hash[collections.scripts]) {
- if (filter && !Path(script).glob(filter)) {
- continue
- }
- let uri = meta.top.join(script).trimStart('./')
- write('<script src="' + uri + '"></script>\n ')
- }
- if (extras && extras is String) {
- extras = [extras]
- }
- if (service.states) {
- let extracted = service.states[meta.destPath]
- if (extracted && extracted.href) {
- let jt = expansive.transforms.js
- extras.push(jt.resolve(extracted.href, jt))
- }
- }
- for each (script in extras) {
- let uri = meta.top.join(script).trimStart('./')
- write('<script src="' + uri + '"></script>\n ')
- }
- }
- },
- pre: function(transform) {
- if (expansive.modified.everything) {
- transform.service.hash = {}
- }
- },
- }, {
- name: 'extract',
- mappings: 'html',
- init: function(transform) {
- transform.nextId = 0
- transform.service.states = {}
- },
- render: function (contents, meta, transform) {
- let service = transform.service
- /*
- Local function to extract inline script elements
- */
- function handleScriptElements(contents, meta, state): String {
- let service = expansive.services.js
- let re = /<script[^>]*>(.*)<\/script>/smg
- let start = 0, end = 0
- let output = ''
- let matches
- while (matches = re.exec(contents, start)) {
- let elt = matches[0]
- end = re.lastIndex - elt.length
- output += contents.slice(start, end)
- if (elt.match(/src=['"]/)) {
- output += matches[0]
- } else {
- state.scripts ||= []
- state.scripts.push(matches[1].trimEnd(';'))
- }
- start = re.lastIndex
- }
- output += contents.slice(start)
- return output
- }
- /*
- Local function to extract onclick attributes
- */
- function handleScriptAttributes(contents, meta, state): String {
- let result = ''
- let re = /<([\w_\-:.]+)([^>]*>)/g
- let start = 0, end = 0
- let matches
- while (matches = re.exec(contents, start)) {
- let elt = matches[0]
- end = re.lastIndex - matches[0].length
- /* Emit prior contents */
- result += contents.slice(start, end)
- let clickre = /(.*) +(onclick=)(["'])(.*?)(\3)(.*)/m
- if ((cmatches = clickre.exec(elt)) != null) {
- elt = cmatches[1] + cmatches[6]
- let id
- if ((ematches = elt.match(/id=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/)) != null) {
- id = ematches[1]
- } else {
- let service = expansive.services.js
- id = 'exp-' + ++transform.nextId
- elt = cmatches[1] + ' id="' + id + '"' + cmatches[6]
- }
- state.onclick ||= {}
- state.onclick[id] = cmatches[4].trimEnd(';')
- }
- result += elt
- start = re.lastIndex
- }
- return result + contents.slice(start)
- }
- let state = {}
- contents = handleScriptElements(contents, meta, state)
- contents = handleScriptAttributes(contents, meta, state)
- if (state.scripts || state.onclick) {
- let ss = service.states[meta.destPath] ||= {}
- if (service.extract === true) {
- ss.href = meta.destPath.replaceExt('js')
- } else {
- ss.href = service.extract
- }
- if (state.scripts) {
- ss.scripts ||= []
- ss.scripts += state.scripts
- vtrace('Extract', 'Scripts from ' + meta.document)
- }
- if (state.onclick) {
- ss.onclick ||= {}
- blend(ss.onclick, state.onclick)
- vtrace('Extract', 'Onclick from ' + meta.document)
- }
- }
- return contents
- }
- /*
- Post process and create external script files for inline scripts
- */
- post: function(transform) {
- let service = transform.service
- let perdoc = (service.extract === true)
- let scripts = '/*\n Inline scripts for \n */\n'
- for (let [file, state] in service.states) {
- if (perdoc) {
- scripts = '/*\n Inline scripts for ' + file + '\n */\n'
- }
- if (state.scripts) {
- scripts += state.scripts.unique().join(';\n\n') + ';\n\n'
- }
- for (let [id, code] in state.onclick) {
- scripts += 'document.getElementById("' + id + '").addEventListener("click", function() { ' +
- code + '});\n\n'
- }
- if (perdoc) {
- let destPath = Path(file).replaceExt('js')
- let dest = directories.dist.join(destPath)
- let meta = blend(expansive.topMeta.clone(), { document: destPath, layout: null })
- scripts = renderContents(scripts, meta)
- writeDest(scripts, meta)
- }
- }
- if (!perdoc) {
- let destPath = service.extract
- let dest = directories.dist.join(destPath)
- let meta = blend(expansive.topMeta.clone(), { document: destPath, layout: null })
- scripts = renderContents(scripts, meta)
- writeDest(scripts, meta)
- }
- },
- } ]
- }
- })