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- {
- title: "Project Resources",
- crumbs: [ ],
- }
- <h1>GoAhead Project Resources</h1>
- <p>Embedthis developers use a variety of tools and resources to better manage the GoAhead project.
- These include source code control and an issue tracking database.</p>
- <h2><a href="https://github.com/embedthis/goahead" target="new">Source Code Repository</a></h2>
- <p>The GoAhead source code is hosted in a Git <a href="http://github.com/embedthis/goahead">repository</a>.
- We provide open read-only access. Write access is available to regular contributing developers.</p>
- <h2><a href="https://github.com/embedthis/goahead/issues/99">Security Alerts</a></h2>
- <p>You can subscribe to be notified of important security updates by subscribing to the
- <a href="https://github.com/embedthis/goahead/issues/99">GoAhead Security Alert</a> GitHub Issue.
- Login to GitHub and subscribe under Notifications on the right hand side.</p>
- <h2><a href="http://github.com/embedthis/goahead/issues" target="new">Issue and Bug List</a></h2>
- <p>The GoAhead open issue and bug list is stored in a
- <a href="http://github.com/embedthis/goahead/issues">GitHub Issue</a> database.
- Use the issue list to report bugs, issues and questions. Make sure you do the following:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Fully describe any issue — don't be too brief</li>
- <li>The exact sequence of operations to provoke the issue</li>
- <li>Specify the software version and how you built it</li>
- <li>Describe your system platform: O/S and hardware</li>
- <li>Provide a stand-alone test case that reproduces the issue</li>
- <li>If relevant, upload edited log files and command line trace</li>
- </ul>
- <p>Most folks are way too brief in describing issues. To solve quickly, more detail really helps.</p>
- <h2><a href="http://github.com/embedthis/goahead/issues">Support</a></h2>
- <p>Embedthis provides support for GoAhead for commercial customers. If you are interested in commercial
- support, please contact <a href="mailto:sales@embedthis.com">sales@embedthis.com</a> for details.</p>
- <p>For non-commercial customers, you may ask questions in the form of well described issues
- at the <a href="http://github.com/embedthis/goahead/issues">GitHub GoAhead issue database</a>.</p>
- <h2><a href="https://embedthis.com/developers/contributors.html">Developer Contributors Agreement</a></h2>
- <p>Developers are very welcome, both as occasional contributors or core developers. For Embedthis to accept
- patches or code from any developer, the developer must first have completed the
- <a href= "https://embedthis.com/developers/contributors.html">Contributors Agreement</a>.
- This agreement is designed to ensure that you are protected and that your patches can be utilized by everyone.
- All submitted patches that are included in GoAhead are governed by this agreement.</p>