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  140. <h1>Installing on Windows</h1>
  141. <p>The Embedthis GoAhead install package for Windows is an installation executable compressed in a ZIP file
  142. called:</p>
  143. <pre class="ui code segment">
  145. </pre>
  146. <p>The distribution image contains the binary distribution, documentation and development headers, and
  147. libraries in the one package. During installation you will have the option of installing the full package
  148. or portions of the distribution.</p><a id="exe"></a>
  149. <h2 >Installing the EXE Image</h2>
  150. <ol>
  151. <li>Login with administrator privileges.</li>
  152. <li>Run winzip and extract the contents of the zipped EXE install image to a folder of your
  153. choosing.</li>
  154. <li>Browse to the location holding the EXE install image and run it.</li>
  155. </ol><a id="removing"></a>
  156. <h2 >Removing GoAhead</h2>
  157. <ol>
  158. <li>Login with administrator privileges.</li>
  159. <li>Run the <b>Add / Remove Programs</b> applet from the <b>control panel</b>.</li>
  160. <li>Select <b>Embedthis GoAhead</b> and choose remove.</li>
  161. </ol><a id="silentInstallation"></a>
  162. <h2 >Silent Installation</h2>
  163. <p>If you need to do batch or unattended installations, you can install GoAhead silently. Use the
  164. <b>/silent</b> switch to suppress questions and <b>/verysilent</b> to suppress all visual
  165. output.</p>
  166. <a name="running"></a>
  167. <h2 >Running GoAhead</h2>
  168. <p>To start GoAhead type:</p>
  169. <pre class="ui code segment">
  170. cd \Program Files\Embedthis GoAhead
  171. bin\goahead
  172. </pre>
  173. <p>GoAhead is configured by default to listen on port 80. To test that it is serving pages, point your
  174. browser at http://localhost/.</p>
  175. <p>To get all the options for GoAhead:</p>
  176. <pre class="ui code segment">
  177. bin\goahead --help
  178. </pre>
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  181. <p>&copy; Embedthis Software, 2003-2015. All rights reserved.</p>
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