/* huge.tst - Huge get file */ const HTTP = tget('TM_HTTP') || "" const TIMEOUT = 10000 const HUGE= "../web/huge.txt" var SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 let http: Http = new Http if (tdepth() >= 5) { /* Create test file */ if (!Path(HUGE).exists || Path(HUGE).size < SIZE) { App.log.write("\n [Generate] Huge 5GB test file \"" + HUGE + "\" ...") let data = new ByteArray for (i in 1024) { data.write("%05d 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678", i) } let f = File(HUGE, "w") while (Path(HUGE).size < SIZE) { f.write(data) } f.close() App.log.write("\n [Test] GET \"" + HUGE + "\" ...") } SIZE = Path(HUGE).size /* Test Http get for a huge file */ let total, count, complete http.async = true http.setLimits({receive: 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024}) var buf = new ByteArray http.on("readable", function (event, http) { buf.flush() count = http.read(buf, -1) total += count // printf("Read %d total %5.2f %%\n", count, total / SIZE * 100.0) }) http.on("close", function (event, http) { complete = true }) http.get(HTTP + "/huge.txt") let mark = new Date http.wait(-1) ttrue(complete) ttrue(total == SIZE) ttrue(http.status == 200) http.close() /* // Get first 5 bytes http.setHeader("Range", "bytes=0-4") http.get(HTTP + "/big.txt") ttrue(http.status == 206) ttrue(http.response == "01234") http.close() // Get last 5 bytes http.setHeader("Range", "bytes=-5") http.get(HTTP + "/big.txt") ttrue(http.status == 206) ttrue(http.response.trim() == "MENT") http.close() // Get from specific position till the end http.setHeader("Range", "bytes=117000-") http.get(HTTP + "/big.txt") ttrue(http.status == 206) ttrue(http.response.trim() == "END OF DOCUMENT") http.close() // Multiple ranges http.setHeader("Range", "bytes=0-5,25-30,-5") http.get(HTTP + "/big.txt") ttrue(http.status == 206) ttrue(http.response.contains("Content-Range: bytes 0-5/117016")) ttrue(http.response.contains("Content-Range: bytes 25-30/117016")) ttrue(http.response.contains("Content-Range: bytes 117011-117015/117016")) ttrue(http.response.contains("012345")) ttrue(http.response.contains("567890")) ttrue(http.response.contains("MENT")) http.close() */ } else { tskip("Runs at depth 6") }