exp-less === Expansive plugin for Less files. ## Overview The exp-less plugin provides build tooling for stylesheets. It provides the **less** service to compile less stylesheets into CSS stylesheets. A map of file dependencies may be defined so that a master Less stylesheet will be rebuilt by Expansive whenever an include stylesheet is updated. ## Installation pak install exp-less ## Services Provides the following services: * less ## less The less service processes LESS stylesheets using the **lessc** utility into CSS stylesheets. By convention, exp-less expects master Less stylesheets to be named with a '.css.less' extension and included Less files to use a simple '.less' extension. ### Configuration * enable — Enable the less service to process less files. Defaults to true. * files — Array of file patterns of stylesheets to compile. Defaults to [ '**.less', '!**.css.less' ] which selects all files with a '.less' extension and omits those with a '.css.less' extension. * stylesheets — Stylesheets to update if any less file changes. If specified, the "dependencies" map will be automatically created. Defaults to 'css/all.css'. * dependencies — Explicit map of dependencies if not using "stylesheet". They property name is the master LESS stylesheet and the value contains the ingredient less stylesheets that are included by the master. ``` { services: { 'less': { enable: true, files: [ '**.less', '!**.css.less', '!css/unwanted.css' ], dependencies: { 'css/all.css.less' : '**.less' }, stylesheets: [ 'css/all.css' ], } } } ``` ### Get Pak from [https://embedthis.com/pak/](https://embedthis.com/pak/)