.TH AUTH "1" "February 2014" "auth" "User Commands" .SH NAME gopass \- Create and manage passwords .SH SYNOPSIS .B gopass [\fI--cipher blowfish|md5\fR] [\fI--file filename\fR] [\fI--password password\fR] realm username roles... .SH DESCRIPTION The gopass program creates authentication passwords for GoAhead in the nominated authentication configuration file. GoAhead uses the same authorization file and format for Basic, Digest and web-form authentication. This simplifies administration. .RS 5 gopass --file auth.conf --password pass1 example.com joshua administrator buyer .RE To calculate the passwword only, omit the "--file" option and the password will be displayed to the standard output. .RS 5 gopass --password pass1 example.com joshua administrator buyer .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\--cipher blowfish|md5\fR Specifies the cipher to use to hash the password. Default is blowfish. Blowfish is substantially more secure. MD5 must be used for digest authentication. .TP \fB\--password password\fR Specifies a password to use to for the user. .TP \fB\--file filename\fR Update the specified password configuration file. .PP .SH DESCRIPTION The gopass program is used to create and manage user passwords. GoAhead uses the same authorization file and format for Basic, Digest and Post authentication stores. This simplifies administration. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report bugs to dev@embedthis.com. .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co Embedthis Software. .br .SH "SEE ALSO"