#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "Api.h" #include "SDRRecord.h" #include "SELRecord.h" #include "SEL.h" #include "MsgHndlr.h" pthread_mutex_t Flash_Mutex; int PlatformInit(void) { uint8_t PrimaryIPMBBusNum, SecondaryIPMBBusNum; printf("Init Platform...\r\n"); //hardware init //槽位号识别 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GA0_PIN | GA1_PIN | GA2_PIN | GA3_PIN | GA4_PIN | RACKID2_PIN; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW; stm32_gpio_init(GPIOH, &GPIO_InitStruct); GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GAP_PIN | RACKID1_PIN | RACKID3_PIN | RACKID4_PIN | RACKID5_PIN; stm32_gpio_init(GPIOI, &GPIO_InitStruct); //LED灯 D2 GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO1_PIN; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW; stm32_gpio_write(IDENTIFY_PORT, IDENTIFY_PIN, GPIO_PIN_RESET); stm32_gpio_init(GPIO1_PORT, &GPIO_InitStruct); g_BMCInfo.SelfTestByte = 0; g_BMCInfo.SlotID = PDK_GetSlotID(); g_BMCInfo.ChassisID = PDK_GetChassisID(); //LAN地址 LanInfo_T *pSetLanInfo = &g_BMCInfo.LanInfo[0]; strcpy(pSetLanInfo->EthName, "eth0"); pSetLanInfo->IPAddrSrc = 0x01; //static pSetLanInfo->IPAddr[0] = 192; pSetLanInfo->IPAddr[1] = 168; pSetLanInfo->IPAddr[2] = 1; //网段 pSetLanInfo->IPAddr[3] = 10+g_BMCInfo.SlotID; pSetLanInfo->BroadCast[0] = 192; pSetLanInfo->BroadCast[1] = 168; pSetLanInfo->BroadCast[2] = 1; //网段 pSetLanInfo->BroadCast[3] = 255; pSetLanInfo->NetMask[0] = 255; pSetLanInfo->NetMask[1] = 255; pSetLanInfo->NetMask[2] = 255; pSetLanInfo->NetMask[3] = 0; pSetLanInfo->DefaultGW[0] = pSetLanInfo->IPAddr[0]; pSetLanInfo->DefaultGW[1] = pSetLanInfo->IPAddr[1]; pSetLanInfo->DefaultGW[2] = pSetLanInfo->IPAddr[2]; pSetLanInfo->DefaultGW[3] = 1; pSetLanInfo->MACAddr[0] = 0; //no default mac pSetLanInfo->MACAddr[1] = 0; pSetLanInfo->MACAddr[2] = 0; pSetLanInfo->MACAddr[3] = 0; pSetLanInfo->MACAddr[4] = 0; pSetLanInfo->MACAddr[5] = 0; //机箱及刀片信息 g_BMCInfo.ChassisIdentify = FALSE; g_BMCInfo.ChassisIdentifyForce = FALSE; g_BMCInfo.ChassisIdentifyTimeout = 0; g_BMCInfo.PowerGoodFlag = 1; g_BMCInfo.BladeManageEn = 0; g_BMCInfo.BladeHealthSta = 1; memset(g_BMCInfo.BladeName, 0, 31); sprintf(g_BMCInfo.BladeName, "板卡%d", g_BMCInfo.SlotID); switch(g_BMCInfo.SlotID) { case 0x1: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 0; break; case 0x2: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 1; break; case 0x3: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 2; break; case 0x4: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 3; break; case 0x5: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 4; break; case 0x6: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 5; break; case 0x7: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 6; break; case 0x8: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 7; break; case 0x9: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 8; break; case 0xA: g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 9; break; default: printf("\n\n\nWarning: Invalid SlotID %#x\n\n\n", g_BMCInfo.SlotID); g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis = 0xff; break; } if(g_BMCInfo.SlotID == 1) { g_BMCInfo.isChMC = 1; //IPMB地址 g_BMCInfo.PrimaryIPMBAddr = 0x20; g_BMCInfo.SecondaryIPMBAddr = 0x20; if(g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis < BLADE_NUMBERS) { gChassisIPMBAddr[g_BMCInfo.IndexInChassis] = 0x20; } } else { g_BMCInfo.isChMC = 0; //IPMB地址 g_BMCInfo.PrimaryIPMBAddr = (0x40+(g_BMCInfo.SlotID&0x1F))<<1; g_BMCInfo.SecondaryIPMBAddr = (0x40+(g_BMCInfo.SlotID&0x1F))<<1; } //init DevGUID g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[0] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[1] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[2] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[3] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[4] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[5] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[6] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[7] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[8] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[9] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[10] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[11] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[12] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[13] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[14] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.DeviceGUID[15] = 0x01; g_BMCInfo.FwMajorVer = FW_VERSION_MAJOR; g_BMCInfo.FwMinorVer = FW_VERSION_MINOR; g_BMCInfo.SendMsgSeqNum = 0; // g_BMCInfo.OemFlags.BladeWorkMode = BLADE_IPMC; // g_BMCInfo.OemFlags.chassisManageFnEnable = 0; // g_BMCInfo.OemFlags.thisBladeIndex = 0; // g_BMCInfo.OemFlags.bladeStatus = 1; //0: not present, 1: normal, 2: error, others: reserved. g_BMCInfo.HealthLevel = SENSOR_STATUS_NORMAL; g_BMCInfo.SensorSharedMem.SensorTick= 0; g_BMCInfo.SenConfig.PowerOnTick = 0; g_BMCInfo.SenConfig.SysResetTick = 0; g_BMCInfo.CurTimerTick = 0; g_BMCInfo.CurTimerSecond = 0; g_BMCInfo.BootValidMinutes = 0; g_BMCInfo.m_Lan_SetInProgress = 0; return 0; } int InitTimerTaskTbl(void) { printf("InitTimerTaskTbl...\n"); g_BMCInfo.TimerTaskTblSize = 2; memcpy(g_BMCInfo.TimerTaskTbl, m_TimerTaskTbl, sizeof(TimerTaskTbl_T)*g_BMCInfo.TimerTaskTblSize); } int Init_SessionTbl(void) { printf("Init_SessionTbl...\n"); g_BMCInfo.SessionHandle = 0; g_BMCInfo.UDSSessionHandle = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.MaxSession = 10; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SessionTimeOut = 10; //10s g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SendMsgTimeout = 10; //10s /*Allocating Memory to hold session Table informations */ g_BMCInfo.SessionTblInfo.SessionTbl = (SessionInfo_T *) malloc(sizeof(SessionInfo_T)*( g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.MaxSession + 1)); if(g_BMCInfo.SessionTblInfo.SessionTbl == NULL) { printf("Error in allocating memory for SessionTbl \n"); return 1; } g_BMCInfo.SessionTblInfo.Count = 0; /*Initialize the Session Table memory */ memset(g_BMCInfo.SessionTblInfo.SessionTbl,0,sizeof(SessionInfo_T)*(g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.MaxSession + 1)); /*Allocating Memory to hold UDS session Table informations */ g_BMCInfo.UDSSessionTblInfo.UDSSessionTbl = (UDSSessionTbl_T *) malloc(sizeof(UDSSessionTbl_T)*(g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.MaxSession + 1)); if(g_BMCInfo.UDSSessionTblInfo.UDSSessionTbl == NULL) { printf("Error in allocating memory for SessionTbl \n"); return 1; } g_BMCInfo.UDSSessionTblInfo.SessionCount = 0; /*Initialize the UDS Session Table memory */ memset(g_BMCInfo.UDSSessionTblInfo.UDSSessionTbl,0,sizeof(UDSSessionTbl_T)*(g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.MaxSession + 1)); } const char FirstPowerOnStr[] = "First power on the bmc"; int Init_IPMI_FRU_SDR_SEL(void) { int i; uint32_t sdrSize = sizeof(SDRRepository_T) + sizeof(HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T) + sizeof(HdrFullSensorRec_T)*SENSOR_NUMBERS; uint32_t selSize = sizeof(SELRepository_T) + sizeof(SELRec_T)*MAX_SEL_RECORD ; uint8_t* pSDR = NULL; uint8_t* pSEL = NULL; g_BMCInfo.pSDR = malloc(sdrSize); if((g_BMCInfo.pSDR == NULL) && (sdrSize != 0)) { printf("g_BMCInfo.pSDR Malloc failed!\r\n"); } g_BMCInfo.pSEL = malloc(selSize); if((g_BMCInfo.pSEL == NULL) && (selSize != 0)) { printf("g_BMCInfo.pSEL Malloc failed!\r\n"); } GetIPMIFromFlash(); if(strncmp(g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.FirstPowerOnStr, FirstPowerOnStr, sizeof(FirstPowerOnStr)) != 0) // if(1) { //first power on printf("\n\n*** BMC first power on! ***\n\n"); /************************** Init IPMI ******************************/ memcpy(g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.FirstPowerOnStr, FirstPowerOnStr, sizeof(FirstPowerOnStr)); g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SerialIfcSupport = SERIAL_IFC_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SerialTerminalSupport = SERIAL_TERMINAL_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.LANIfcSupport = LAN_IFC_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SYSIfcSupport = SYS_IFC_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.GrpExtnSupport = GROUP_EXTERN_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.UDSIfcSupport = UDS_IFC_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.ChassisTimerInterval = CHASSIS_TIMER_INTERVAL; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.PowerCycleInterval = PWR_CYCLE_INTERVAL; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.FanControlInterval = FAN_CONTROL_INTERVAL; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.RearmSetSensorThreshold = REARM_SET_SENSOR_THRESHOLD; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELTimeUTCOffset = 8*60; //IPMB g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.PrimaryIPMBSupport = PRIMARY_IPMB_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SecondaryIPMBSupport = SECONDARY_IPMB_SUPPORT; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.PrimaryIPMBBus = PRIMARY_IPMB_BUS; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SecondaryIPMBBus = SECONDARY_IPMB_BUS; //Init FRU memcpy(&g_BMCInfo.FRU, &Default_FRUData, sizeof(OemFRUData_T)); /************************ Init SDR *************************************/ pSDR = g_BMCInfo.pSDR; //init SDR repository header ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->Signature[0] = 0x00; ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->Signature[1] = 0x11; ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->Signature[2] = 0x22; ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->Signature[3] = 0x33; ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->NumRecords = SENSOR_NUMBERS + 1; ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->Size = sdrSize; ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->AddTimeStamp = 0; ((SDRRepository_T*)pSDR)->EraseTimeStamp = 0; //init MgmtCtrlrDevLocator SDR pSDR += sizeof(SDRRepository_T); ((HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T*)pSDR)->Valid = 1; ((HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T*)pSDR)->Len = sizeof(HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T); memcpy(&(((HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T*)pSDR)->MgmtCtrlrDevLocator), &bmc_sdr, sizeof(MgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T)); //init FullSensorRec SDR pSDR += sizeof(HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T); for(i=0;iValid = 1; ((HdrFullSensorRec_T*)pSDR)->Len = sizeof(HdrFullSensorRec_T); memcpy(&(((HdrFullSensorRec_T*)pSDR)->FullSensorRec), &full_sdr_tbl[i], sizeof(FullSensorRec_T)); pSDR += sizeof(HdrFullSensorRec_T); } /******************************* Init SEL *************************************/ pSEL = g_BMCInfo.pSEL; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->Signature[0] = 0x00; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->Signature[1] = 0x11; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->Signature[2] = 0x22; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->Signature[3] = 0x33; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->NumRecords = 0; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->Padding = 0; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->AddTimeStamp = 0; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->EraseTimeStamp = 0; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->FirstRecID = 0; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->LastRecID = 0; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->SELIndex = 0; ((SELRepository_T*)pSEL)->SELRecord = (SELRec_T*)(pSEL + sizeof(SELRepository_T)); g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.SelReservationID = 0;; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.LastEvtTS = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.PartialAddRecordID = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.PartialAddRecOffset = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.PartialAdd = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.SenMonSELFlag = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.MaxSELRecord = MAX_SEL_RECORD; // g_BMCInfo.SELConfig.RsrvIDCancelled = FALSE; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.SELOverFlow = FALSE; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.selalmostfull = 0; memset(g_BMCInfo.UserInfoTbl, 0x0, sizeof(UserInfo_T)*MAX_USER_NUM); g_BMCInfo.UserInfoTbl[2].UserId = 3; strcpy(g_BMCInfo.UserInfoTbl[2].UserName, "admin"); strcpy(g_BMCInfo.UserInfoTbl[2].UserPassword, "admin"); g_BMCInfo.UserInfoTbl[2].UserStatus = TRUE; g_BMCInfo.CurrentNoUser = 1; g_BMCInfo.pUserInfo = NULL; /************** Sensor History ****************/ memset(gSensorHistoryInfo, 0, sizeof(SensorHistoryInfo_T)*SENSOR_NUMBERS); FlushSensorHistoryToFlash(); FlushUserInfoTbl(); UpdateFlash(); } else { //Init FRU GetFRUFromFlash(); //Init SDR GetSDRFromFlash(); //Init SEL GetSELFromFlash(); ((SELRepository_T*)g_BMCInfo.pSEL)->SELRecord = (SELRec_T*)(g_BMCInfo.pSEL + sizeof(SELRepository_T)); g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.SelReservationID = 0;; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.LastEvtTS = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.PartialAddRecordID = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.PartialAddRecOffset = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.PartialAdd = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.SenMonSELFlag = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.MaxSELRecord = MAX_SEL_RECORD; // g_BMCInfo.SELConfig.RsrvIDCancelled = FALSE; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.SELOverFlow = FALSE; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SELConfig.selalmostfull = 0; //Init SensorHistory GetSensorHistoryFromFlash(); UpdateUserInfoTble(); g_BMCInfo.CurrentNoUser = 0; for(i=0;iNumRecords; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SDRConfig.SDRError = 0; g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig.SDRConfig.ReservationID = 0; return 0; } int SetSysTime(uint32_t *timeSecond) { time_t tt; tt = *timeSecond; stime(&tt); //TODO:注意时区 return 0; } long int GetSysTime(void) { time_t tt; time(&tt); //TODO: 注意时区 //tt += 8*60*60; UTC+8 return tt; } int PostEventMessage (uint8_t *EventMsg,uint8_t size) { uint8_t SelReq [sizeof(SELEventRecord_T)]; uint8_t SelRes [sizeof(AddSELRes_T)]; SELEventRecord_T* SelRecord = ( SELEventRecord_T*) SelReq; SelRecord->hdr.Type = 0x02; SelRecord->hdr.TimeStamp = GetSysTime (); memcpy (SelRecord->GenID, EventMsg, size); LockedAddSELEntry(SelReq, sizeof (SELEventRecord_T), SelRes); return 0; } uint8_t PDK_GetSlotID(void) { uint8_t SlotID = 0; // uint8_t check = 0; if(stm32_gpio_read(GA0_PORT, GA0_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) SlotID |= 0x01; if(stm32_gpio_read(GA1_PORT, GA1_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) SlotID |= 0x02; if(stm32_gpio_read(GA2_PORT, GA2_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) SlotID |= 0x04; if(stm32_gpio_read(GA3_PORT, GA3_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) SlotID |= 0x08; if(stm32_gpio_read(GA4_PORT, GA4_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) SlotID |= 0x10; // if(stm32_gpio_read(GAP_PORT, GAP_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) // SlotID |= 0x20; // int i; // for(i=0;i<6;i++) // check ^= (SlotID>>i)&0x01; // if(check == 0) // printf("Slot ID check error! GAP = %#x, GA[4:0] = %#x.\n", (SlotID>>5), (SlotID&0x1f)); // return SlotID&0x1f; return SlotID; } uint8_t PDK_GetChassisID(void) { uint8_t ChassisID = 0; // if(stm32_gpio_read(RACKID0_PORT, RACKID0_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_SET) // ChassisID |= 0x01; // if(stm32_gpio_read(RACKID1_PORT, RACKID1_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_SET) // ChassisID |= 0x02; // if(stm32_gpio_read(RACKID2_PORT, RACKID2_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_SET) // ChassisID |= 0x04; // if(stm32_gpio_read(RACKID3_PORT, RACKID3_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_SET) // ChassisID |= 0x08; // if(stm32_gpio_read(RACKID4_PORT, RACKID4_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_SET) // ChassisID |= 0x10; // if(stm32_gpio_read(RACKID5_PORT, RACKID5_PIN) == GPIO_PIN_SET) // ChassisID |= 0x20; return ChassisID; } int PDK_PowerOffChassis(void) { //printf("Api power off chassis\n"); g_BMCInfo.PowerGoodFlag = 0; printf("Not support power control!\n"); return 0; } int PDK_PowerOnChassis(void) { //printf("power on chassis\n"); g_BMCInfo.PowerGoodFlag = 1; printf("Not support power control!\n"); } int PDK_SoftOffChassis(void) { //printf("soft off chassis\n"); g_BMCInfo.PowerGoodFlag = 0; printf("Not support power control!\n"); } int PDK_GetPowerStatus(void) { //TODO: return 1; } int PDK_PowerCycleChassis(void) { //printf("power cycle chassis\n"); printf("Not support power control!\n"); return 0; } int PDK_ResetChassis(void) { //printf("power reset chassis\n"); printf("Not support power control!\n"); return 0; } int PDK_DiagInterruptChassis(void) { printf("power diag chassis\n"); } int PDK_FanControl(void) { ; } //设置IP地址 /* * 函数名称 : int setip(char *ip) * 函数功能 : 设置系统IP地址 * 参 数 : *char *ip :设置的IP地址,以点分十进制的字符串方式表示,如“” * 返 回 值 : 0 : 成功 ; -1 : 失败 */ int setip(char *ip) { struct ifreq temp; struct sockaddr_in *addr; int fd = 0; int ret = -1; strcpy(temp.ifr_name, "eth0"); if((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))<0) { return -1; } addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&(temp.ifr_addr); addr->sin_family = AF_INET; addr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCSIFADDR, &temp); close(fd); if(ret < 0) return -1; return 0; } //获取IP地址 /* * 函数名称 : char * getip(char *ip_buf) * 函数功能 : 获取系統IP地址 * 参 数 : *char *ip_buf :用来存放IP地址的内存空间 * 返 回 值 : ip_buf : 存放IP地址的内存地址 */ char* getip(char *ip_buf) { struct ifreq temp; struct sockaddr_in *myaddr; int fd = 0; int ret = -1; strcpy(temp.ifr_name, "eth0"); if((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))<0) { return NULL; } ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &temp); close(fd); if(ret < 0) return NULL; myaddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&(temp.ifr_addr); strcpy(ip_buf, (char*)inet_ntoa(myaddr->sin_addr)); return ip_buf; } char* getnetmask(char *netmask_buf) { struct ifreq temp; struct sockaddr_in *myaddr; int fd = 0; int ret = -1; strcpy(temp.ifr_name, "eth0"); if((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))<0) { return NULL; } ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &temp); close(fd); if(ret < 0) return NULL; myaddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&(temp.ifr_addr); strcpy(netmask_buf, (char*)inet_ntoa(myaddr->sin_addr)); return netmask_buf; } char* getbroadcast(char *broadcast_buf) { struct ifreq temp; struct sockaddr_in *myaddr; int fd = 0; int ret = -1; strcpy(temp.ifr_name, "eth0"); if((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))<0) { return NULL; } ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, &temp); close(fd); if(ret < 0) return NULL; myaddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)&(temp.ifr_addr); strcpy(broadcast_buf, (char*)inet_ntoa(myaddr->sin_addr)); return broadcast_buf; } char* getmac(char *mac_buf) { struct ifreq temp; struct sockaddr_in *myaddr; int fd = 0; int ret = -1; strcpy(temp.ifr_name, "eth0"); if((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))<0) { return NULL; } if(ioctl(fd,SIOCGIFHWADDR,&temp)<0) { printf("Get mac address ioctl fail!\n"); } else { sprintf(mac_buf, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (unsigned char)temp.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0], (unsigned char)temp.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[1], (unsigned char)temp.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[2], (unsigned char)temp.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[3], (unsigned char)temp.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[4], (unsigned char)temp.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5]); } close(fd); return mac_buf; } int getSensorHistory(uint8_t sensorNum, uint8_t *phistoryBuf) { int i =0; for(i=0;i= SENSOR_NUMBERS) { printf("Warning: Can't find sensorNum!\n"); return -1; } } pthread_mutex_t api_bridge_mutex; int API_BridgeInternal(MsgPkt_T* pReqPkt, MsgPkt_T* pResPkt, uint8_t DestAddr, int Channel) { IPMIMsgHdr_T* pReqMsgHdr; IPMIMsgHdr_T* pResMsgHdr; uint8_t SeqNum = g_BMCInfo.SendMsgSeqNum; int RetVal; int fd_BridgeQue; uint8_t PBTbl; pthread_mutex_lock(&api_bridge_mutex); //create BRIDGE_QUEUE if(-1 != access(BRIDGE_QUEUE, F_OK)) { remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); } if(0 != mkfifo (BRIDGE_QUEUE, 0777)) { printf("%s: Create %s fifo failed! \n", __FUNCTION__, BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } fd_BridgeQue = open (BRIDGE_QUEUE, O_RDWR); if(-1 == fd_BridgeQue) { printf("%s: Open %s fifo failed! \n", __FUNCTION__, BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } if(NULL != pReqPkt) { memcpy(&(pReqPkt->Data[sizeof(IPMIMsgHdr_T)]), pReqPkt->Data, pReqPkt->Size); pReqPkt->Size += sizeof(IPMIMsgHdr_T); pReqMsgHdr = (IPMIMsgHdr_T*)pReqPkt->Data; } else { printf("Warning: Message Packet to be bridged is NULL\r\n"); remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } if(NULL != pResPkt) { pResMsgHdr = (IPMIMsgHdr_T*)pResPkt->Data; } else { printf("Warning: Message Packet to be bridged is NULL\r\n"); remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } /* Format IPMI message header */ pReqMsgHdr->ResAddr = DestAddr; pReqMsgHdr->NetFnLUN = pReqPkt->NetFnLUN; pReqMsgHdr->ChkSum = ~(pReqMsgHdr->ResAddr + pReqMsgHdr->NetFnLUN) + 1; if(Channel == PRIMARY_IPMB_CHANNEL) { pReqMsgHdr->ReqAddr = g_BMCInfo.PrimaryIPMBAddr; //PRIMARY_IPMB_ADDR; } else if(Channel == SECONDARY_IPMB_CHANNEL) { pReqMsgHdr->ReqAddr = g_BMCInfo.SecondaryIPMBAddr; //PRIMARY_IPMB_ADDR; } else { printf ("Warning: Invalid IPMB Channel: %d\r\n", Channel); remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } pResPkt->NetFnLUN = pReqPkt->NetFnLUN + 0x40; pResPkt->Cmd = pReqPkt->Cmd; pReqMsgHdr->Cmd = pReqPkt->Cmd; pResMsgHdr->ResAddr = pReqMsgHdr->ReqAddr; pResMsgHdr->ChkSum = ~(pResMsgHdr->ResAddr + pResMsgHdr->NetFnLUN) + 1; pResMsgHdr->ReqAddr = pReqMsgHdr->ResAddr; pResMsgHdr->RqSeqLUN = pReqMsgHdr->RqSeqLUN; pResMsgHdr->Cmd = pReqMsgHdr->Cmd; PBTbl = (Channel == SECONDARY_IPMB_CHANNEL) ? SECONDARY_PB_TBL : PRIMARY_PB_TBL ; /* Store in the table for response tracking */ while(TRUE) { if (FALSE == m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].Used) { m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].TimeOut = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].ChannelNum = pReqPkt->Channel; m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].OriginSrc = ORIGIN_INT_REQ; g_BMCInfo.SendMsgSeqNum = SeqNum; printf("g_BMCInfo.SendMsgSeqNum %d\n", g_BMCInfo.SendMsgSeqNum); /* Format Sequence Number */ pReqMsgHdr->RqSeqLUN = ((g_BMCInfo.SendMsgSeqNum) << 2) & 0xFC; pResMsgHdr->RqSeqLUN = pReqMsgHdr->RqSeqLUN + 0x40; memcpy (&m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].ReqMsgHdr, pReqMsgHdr, sizeof (IPMIMsgHdr_T)); memcpy (&m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].ResMsgHdr, pResMsgHdr, sizeof (IPMIMsgHdr_T)); m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].DestQ = fd_BridgeQue; /* Store Session ID for final response to the origin for KCS*/ //m_PendingBridgedResTbl[SeqNum].SrcSessionID = pReqPkt->SessionID; m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].Used = TRUE; //printf( "---> oemApi.c: Bridged message added index = %d.\n", SeqNum ); break; } else { SeqNum = (SeqNum + 1) & 0x3F; if(SeqNum == g_BMCInfo.SendMsgSeqNum) { printf ("Warning: Pending Bridge Response Table is full \n"); remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } } } /* Format message packet */ pReqPkt->Channel = Channel; pReqPkt->Param = PARAM_BRIDGE; /* Recalculate the checksum */ pReqPkt->Data [pReqPkt->Size] = CalculateCheckSum2 (pReqPkt->Data, pReqPkt->Size); pReqPkt->Size++; if(Channel == PRIMARY_IPMB_CHANNEL) { pReqPkt->SrcQ = gFd_PrimaryIpmbIfcQ; } else if(Channel == SECONDARY_IPMB_CHANNEL) { pReqPkt->SrcQ = gFd_SecondaryIpmbIfcQ; } else { printf("Warning: Invalid Channel %d\n", Channel); remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } /* Post Message to the bridge queue */ if(0 != PostMsg(pReqPkt->SrcQ, pReqPkt) ) { printf ("Warning: oemApi.c : Error posting message to Queue %p \n", pReqPkt->SrcQ); remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); return -1; } m_PendingBridgedResTbl[PBTbl][SeqNum].ResDataOk = 1; RetVal = GetMsg (fd_BridgeQue, pResPkt, 5000); //3s int i; printf("Bridge recv: "); for(i=0;iSize;i++) { printf("%#x ", pResPkt->Data[i]); } printf("\n"); remove(BRIDGE_QUEUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&api_bridge_mutex); if(RetVal != 0) { return -1; } memcpy(pResPkt->Data, &(pResPkt->Data[sizeof(IPMIMsgHdr_T)]), pResPkt->Size - sizeof(IPMIMsgHdr_T)-1); pResPkt->Size = pResPkt->Size - sizeof(IPMIMsgHdr_T)-1; //remove header & checksum2 return 0; } /***************** Flash 保存非易失数据 *******************/ int FlushSDRToFlash() { uint32_t writeLen = 0; uint32_t offset = 0; uint32_t sdrSize = sizeof(SDRRepository_T) + sizeof(HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T) + sizeof(HdrFullSensorRec_T)*SENSOR_NUMBERS; pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); while(sdrSize > 0) { if(sdrSize > 4*1024) writeLen = 4*1024; else writeLen = sdrSize; sf_sector_erase(5, SDR_FLASH_ADDR+offset); sf_write(5, SDR_FLASH_ADDR+offset, g_BMCInfo.pSDR+offset, writeLen); offset += writeLen; sdrSize -= writeLen; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int GetSDRFromFlash() { uint32_t sdrSize = sizeof(SDRRepository_T) + sizeof(HdrMgmtCtrlrDevLocator_T) + sizeof(HdrFullSensorRec_T)*SENSOR_NUMBERS; pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_read(5, SDR_FLASH_ADDR, g_BMCInfo.pSDR, sdrSize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int FlushSELToFlash() { uint32_t writeLen = 0; uint32_t offset = 0; uint32_t selSize = sizeof(SELRepository_T) + sizeof(SELRec_T)*MAX_SEL_RECORD ; pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); while(selSize > 0) { if(selSize > 4*1024) writeLen = 4*1024; else writeLen = selSize; sf_sector_erase(5, SEL_FLASH_ADDR+offset); sf_write(5, SEL_FLASH_ADDR+offset, g_BMCInfo.pSEL+offset, writeLen); offset += writeLen; selSize -= writeLen; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int GetSELFromFlash() { uint32_t selSize = sizeof(SELRepository_T) + sizeof(SELRec_T)*MAX_SEL_RECORD ; pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_read(5, SEL_FLASH_ADDR, g_BMCInfo.pSEL, selSize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int FlushIPMIToFlash() { uint32_t writeLen = 0; uint32_t offset = 0; uint32_t ipmiSize = sizeof(IPMIConfig_T); pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); while(ipmiSize > 0) { if(ipmiSize > 4*1024) writeLen = 4*1024; else writeLen = ipmiSize; sf_sector_erase(5, IPMI_CFG_FLASH_ADDR+offset); sf_write(5, IPMI_CFG_FLASH_ADDR+offset, ((uint8_t*)&g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig)+offset, writeLen); offset += writeLen; ipmiSize -= writeLen; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int GetIPMIFromFlash() { uint32_t ipmiSize = sizeof(IPMIConfig_T); pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_read(5, IPMI_CFG_FLASH_ADDR, (uint8_t*)&g_BMCInfo.IpmiConfig, ipmiSize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int FlushFRUToFlash() { uint32_t fruSize = sizeof(OemFRUData_T); pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_sector_erase(5, FRU_FLASH_ADDR); sf_write(5, FRU_FLASH_ADDR, (uint8_t*)&g_BMCInfo.FRU, fruSize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int GetFRUFromFlash() { uint32_t fruSize = sizeof(OemFRUData_T); pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_read(5, FRU_FLASH_ADDR, (uint8_t*)&g_BMCInfo.FRU, fruSize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int FlushSensorHistoryToFlash() { uint32_t writeLen = 0; uint32_t offset = 0; uint32_t sensorSize = SENSOR_NUMBERS*sizeof(SensorHistoryInfo_T); pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); while(sensorSize > 0) { if(sensorSize > 4*1024) writeLen = 4*1024; else writeLen = sensorSize; sf_sector_erase(5, SENSOR_HISTORY_FLASH_ADDR+offset); sf_write(5, SENSOR_HISTORY_FLASH_ADDR+offset, ((uint8_t*)gSensorHistoryInfo)+offset, writeLen); offset += writeLen; sensorSize -= writeLen; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int GetSensorHistoryFromFlash() { uint32_t sensorSize = SENSOR_NUMBERS*sizeof(SensorHistoryInfo_T); pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_read(5, SENSOR_HISTORY_FLASH_ADDR, (uint8_t*)gSensorHistoryInfo, sensorSize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int FlushUserInfoTbl(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_sector_erase(5, USERTBL_FLASH_ADDR); sf_write(5, USERTBL_FLASH_ADDR, (uint8_t*)g_BMCInfo.UserInfoTbl, sizeof(UserInfo_T)*MAX_USER_NUM); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int UpdateUserInfoTble(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&Flash_Mutex); sf_read(5, USERTBL_FLASH_ADDR, (uint8_t*)g_BMCInfo.UserInfoTbl, sizeof(UserInfo_T)*MAX_USER_NUM); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Flash_Mutex); return 0; } int UpdateFlash(void) { FlushSDRToFlash(); FlushSELToFlash(); FlushIPMIToFlash(); FlushFRUToFlash(); return 0; }