/* get.tst - Http GET tests */ const HTTP = tget('TM_HTTP') || "" let http: Http = new Http // Basic get. Validate response code and contents http.get(HTTP + "/index.html") ttrue(http.status == 200) // ttrue(http.readString().contains("Hello")) // Validate get contents http.get(HTTP + "/index.html") ttrue(http.readString(12) == "") // Validate get contents http.get(HTTP + "/index.html") ttrue(http.response.endsWith("\n")) ttrue(http.response.endsWith("\n")) // Test Get with a body. Yes this is valid Http, although unusual. http.get(HTTP + "/index.html", 'name=John&address=700+Park+Ave') ttrue(http.status == 200) if (Config.OS == "windows") { http.get(HTTP + "/inDEX.htML") ttrue(http.status == 200) }