/* valgrind.tst - Valgrind tests on Unix-like systems */ let PORT = 4150 let valgrind = Cmd.locate('valgrind') if (Config.OS == 'linux' && tdepth() >= 4 && valgrind) { let host = '' + PORT let httpCmd = testme.bin.join('http').portable + ' -q --zero ' let goahead = testme.bin.join('goahead-test').portable + ' --name api.valgrind' valgrind += ' -q --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --suppressions=../../../build/bin/mpr.supp ' + goahead + ' -v' // Run http function run(args): String { try { // print(httpCmd, args) let cmd = Cmd(httpCmd + args) if (cmd.status != 0) { print('STATUS ' + cmd.status) print(cmd.error) print(cmd.response) } ttrue(cmd.status == 0) return cmd.response } catch (e) { ttrue(false, e) } return null } /* Start valgrind and wait till ready */ // print('VALGRIND CMD: ' + valgrind) let cmd = Cmd(valgrind, {detach: true}) let http for (i in 10) { http = new Http try { http.get(host + '/index.html') if (http.status == 200) break } catch (e) {} App.sleep(1000) http.close() } if (http.status != 200) { throw 'Cannot start goahead-test for valgrind' } run('-i 100 ' + PORT + '/index.html') if (thas('ME_GOAHEAD_CGI')) { run(PORT + '/test.cgi') } run(PORT + '/exit.esp') let ok = cmd.wait(10000) if (cmd.status != 0) { App.log.error('valgrind status: ' + cmd.status) App.log.error('valgrind error: ' + cmd.error) App.log.error('valgrind output: ' + cmd.response) } ttrue(cmd.status == 0) cmd.stop() } else { if (Config.OS == 'linux' && !valgrind) { tskip('Run with valgrind installed') } else { tskip('Run on Linux at depth 4 with valgrind installed') } }