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- /*
- badUrl.tst - Stress test malformed URLs
- */
- const HTTP = tget('TM_HTTP') || ""
- let http: Http = new Http
- let caught
- try {
- /* Http.get will throw exception for a bad url */
- http.get(HTTP + "/index\x01.html")
- } catch {
- caught = true
- }
- ttrue(caught)
- http.close()
- // Bypass http to send the request to the server
- let s = new Socket
- s.connect(HTTP)
- s.write("GET /index\x01.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
- let response = new ByteArray
- while ((n = s.read(response, -1)) != null) {}
- let r = response.toString()
- ttrue(r.contains('400 Bad Request'))
- s.close()