IPMI_AMIResetPass.h 3.3 KB

  1. /****************************************************************
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  3. ** **
  4. ** (C)Copyright 2005-2006, American Megatrends Inc. **
  5. ** **
  6. ** All Rights Reserved. **
  7. ** **
  8. ** 6145-F, Northbelt Parkway, Norcross, **
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  10. ** Georgia - 30071, USA. Phone-(770)-246-8600. **
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  12. ****************************************************************
  13. ****************************************************************
  14. ****************************************************************
  15. *
  16. * IPMI_AMIResetPassword.h
  17. * AMI Reset Password specific IPMI Commands
  18. *
  19. * Author: Gokula Kannan. S <gokulakannans@amiindia.co.in>
  20. *
  21. *****************************************************************/
  22. #ifndef IPMI_AMIRESETPASS_H_
  23. #define IPMI_AMIRESETPASS_H_
  24. #include <Types.h>
  25. #include "OemDefs.h"
  26. //#define USER_EMAIL_DB "/conf/UserEmail.db"
  27. //#define MAX_USERS 64
  28. //#ifndef EMAIL_ADDR_SIZE
  29. #define EMAIL_ADDR_SIZE 64
  30. //#endif
  31. #pragma pack (1)
  32. /**
  33. * *@struct AMISetUserEmailReq_T
  34. * *@brief Request Structure for setting the Email address
  35. * * for a particular user ID.
  36. * */
  37. typedef struct
  38. {
  39. INT8U UserID;
  40. char EMailID[EMAIL_ADDR_SIZE];
  41. }PACKED AMISetUserEmailReq_T;
  42. /**
  43. * *@struct AMISetUserEmailRes_T
  44. * *@brief Response Structure for setting the Email address
  45. * * for a particular user ID.
  46. * */
  47. typedef struct
  48. {
  49. INT8U CompletionCode;
  50. }PACKED AMISetUserEmailRes_T;
  51. /**
  52. * *@struct AMIGetUserEmailReq_T
  53. * *@brief Request Structure for getting the Email address
  54. * * for a particular user ID.
  55. * */
  56. typedef struct
  57. {
  58. INT8U UserID;
  59. }PACKED AMIGetUserEmailReq_T;
  60. /**
  61. * *@struct AMIGetUserEmailRes_T
  62. * *@brief Response Structure for getting the Email address
  63. * * for a particular user ID.
  64. * */
  65. typedef struct
  66. {
  67. INT8U CompletionCode;
  68. char EMailID[EMAIL_ADDR_SIZE];
  69. }PACKED AMIGetUserEmailRes_T;
  70. /**
  71. * *@struct AMIResetPasswordReq_T
  72. * *@brief Request Structure to Reset the Password
  73. * * for a particular user ID.
  74. * */
  75. typedef struct
  76. {
  77. INT8U UserID;
  78. INT8U Channel;
  79. }PACKED AMIResetPasswordReq_T;
  80. /**
  81. * *@struct AMIResetPasswordReq_T
  82. * *@brief Response Structure to Reset the Password
  83. * * for a particular user ID.
  84. * */
  85. typedef struct
  86. {
  87. INT8U CompletionCode;
  88. }PACKED AMIResetPasswordRes_T;
  89. /**
  90. * *@struct AMISetUserEmailFormatReq_T
  91. * *@brief Request Structure for setting the Email Format
  92. * * for a particular user ID.
  93. * */
  94. typedef struct
  95. {
  96. INT8U UserID;
  98. }PACKED AMISetUserEmailFormatReq_T;
  99. /**
  100. * *@struct AMISetUserEmailFormatRes_T
  101. * *@brief Response Structure for setting the Email Format
  102. * * for a particular user ID.
  103. * */
  104. typedef struct
  105. {
  106. INT8U CompletionCode;
  107. }PACKED AMISetUserEmailFormatRes_T;
  108. /**
  109. * *@struct AMIGetUserEmailFormatRes_T
  110. * *@brief Response Structure for getting the Email Format
  111. * * for a particular user ID.
  112. * */
  113. typedef struct
  114. {
  115. INT8U CompletionCode;
  116. INT8U EMailFormat[EMAIL_FORMAT_SIZE];
  117. }PACKED AMIGetUserEmailFormatRes_T;
  118. #pragma pack ()
  119. #endif